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Introductio ad processus mollis lux tegulis

Introductio ad processus mollis lux tegulis

Mollis lux tegulis talarem tile quorum superficiem reflexionem inter fortis lux et infirma lucem. Per mollis lucem cera politque technology, reflexionem rate of uber reducitur, ita ut ad consequi comfortable visual usus ad humanum corpus. Glossosa tegulis sunt prone ad nimia visual excitanda et causa sensuale demissionem. Matt tegulis minus reflective, quae facile ad dimidiam lucem in spatio et difficile ad consequi effectum domum ornamentum. Mollis tegulis trahere vires duas et uti mollis technology ad superficiem lucem. The 29-degree scattered light effect reduces the reflectivity of the product, the texture of the product is softer, thus solving the light pollution problem of the glossy tile products, creating a visually comfortable and artistic warm space, which is more suitable for human habitation and the concept of “soft space”.

大砖系列 -600--400800--6001200-56

Post tempus: Aug-22-2022
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